Property Required

Please contact us if you think that your property has development potential, or if you are the owner of land with or without planning consent. We will assess the size and location; technical considerations such as access, drainage, ground conditions; historic and current usage together with all relevant potential planning issues.

We work with our clients in several different ways and will structure the acquisition to suit their individual requirements and objectives.

Typical Option Include:

We agree a price for your land, subject to planning.                                                                                  
We will enter into a subject to planning contract with you following which we will apply for planning permission using our own resources to pay for all required consultants and other associated costs. Once we have obtained a planning permission, we will pay you the agreed amount for the land.

We buy the site unconditionally as it is.
We take all planning and associated technical risk. You will receive the agreed amount for your land as soon as we have completed our due diligence. This option is best for those who need a quick sale.

Become a partner in the development as well as receiving the price of your land.
We will enter into a joint venture contract with you. Payment for your land is deferred. When planning permission is received and the new homes are sold, then you will receive the agreed price for your land, as well as an agreed percentage of the development profits.
Contact us  if you think that your property has development potential, or if you are the owner of land with or without planning consent and wish to maximise its value. 

We are particularly interested in acquiring:
Building plots
Derelict buildings
Designated brown field sites
Greenfield land on the edge of villages and towns
Conversion projects